Study with the best tutors
from anywhere in the world
Flexible schedule
Study at your own pace, choosing your own convenient class time.
Affordable prices
On the platform you will find a tutor for any budget
Safe communication
We check each tutor's profile on the platform
Experienced Tutors
Study with native speakers and professional teachers
Cleverie is a next-generation educational marketplace
We have developed a platform with a user-friendly personal account where you choose your own tutor for video tutoring sessions
Secure transaction system inside the platform
Free registration
Easy way to book and pay for lessons
Built-in VCS and statistics system
On our platform, you'll find a wide range of qualified tutors in all subjects, from fitness to classical literature
And much more! You can find all the subjects you can do online at our Cleverie Education Marketplace
How does it work?
Choose the best tutor
Leave feedback
Choose a convenient time and exercise on our platform
Free registration and first lesson with each tutor!
1. Open the Cleverie educational marketplace
You can always try a free session with another tutor if you are not satisfied with something
3. Register on the platform
2. Choose a tutor that interests you
4. Choose a time that is convenient for you
5. Come to the first trial lesson
What is a trial lesson?
This lesson is an introductory lesson, the time it lasts 30 minutes and allows you to get acquainted with the tutor and the student
What if the tutor wasn't right for me in the trial lesson?
This lesson is an introductory lesson, the time it lasts 30 minutes and allows you to get acquainted with the tutor and the student
I don't have time for a trial lesson, what should I do?
This lesson is an introductory lesson, the time it lasts 30 minutes and allows you to get acquainted with the tutor and the student
What do I need to start learning?
This lesson is an introductory lesson, the time it lasts 30 minutes and allows you to get acquainted with the tutor and the student
The advantage of Cleverie classes   100% safe transaction for both the tutor and the student
Share your knowledge and earn money from the comfort of your own home
find new students
grow your own business
be sure to pay for lessons
Sign up to start teaching on Cleverie
License to carry out educational activities
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